Author Topic: Patroness of Hungary  (Read 10647 times)

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  • Esseö, Elisabeth (Erzsébet) von.  1916. 

    PATRONA ∙ HVNGARIÆ — ORA ∙ PRO ∙ NOBIS ∙ 1916 (Benefactress of Hungary - pray for us. 1916).  Cast iron, lightly blackened, 58 mm, 42.56 g.  Vorzüglich (extremely fine).  Rare.

    Description translated from Huszár / Procopius (see citation below):

    O[bverse]:  Head of the Mother of God, to right, with veil-covered hair, the periphery of the medal forming the halo. 

    R[everse]:  PATRONA ∙ HVNGARIAE — ORA ∙ PRO ∙ NOBIS ∙ 1916.  Over the entire field a large cross, in form like that of an order, upon which the Hungarian arms with the holy Crown of St Stephen.  Lower left [sic]: ESSŐ E.Dm. 58, cast double-sided round medal.  Kriegsmetall, 1916.  Collection Procopius.

    Cf: Schulman.  1919. La Guerre Européenne, Catalogue LXXIII, p. 78: 767.

    Cf: Frankenhuis, M.  1919(?).  Catalogue of Medals - Medalets and Plaques relative to the World War 1914 - 1919, p. 55: 399 (described as "Patron" of Hungary).
    Cf: Huszár, Lajos, and Béla Procopius. 1932. Medaillen- und Plakettenkunst in Ungarn, p. 199: no. 1920 (Kriegsmetall example).

    Listed as one of the earliest of Esseö's designs by H/P, it bears the Hungarian form of her signature with the family name preceding her first initial, the Hungarian ő rather than the German ö used later.  Apparently made before her adoption of the distinctive monogram, encircled ƎE, found on most of her oeuvre.

    Kriegsmetall (war-metal) was a general term for non-standard alloys used for casting in lieu of restricted bronze or, perhaps in some instances iron, although the latter was frequently used for wartime medals. 
Patroness of Hungary
« on: January 07, 2020, 03:30:00 AM »

Esseö, Elisabeth (Erzsébet) von.  1916. 

PATRONA ∙ HVNGARIÆ — ORA ∙ PRO ∙ NOBIS ∙ 1916 (Benefactress of Hungary - pray for us. 1916).  Cast iron, lightly blackened, 58 mm, 42.56 g.  Vorzüglich (extremely fine).  Rare.

Description translated from Huszár / Procopius (see citation below):

O[bverse]:  Head of the Mother of God, to right, with veil-covered hair, the periphery of the medal forming the halo. 

R[everse]:  PATRONA ∙ HVNGARIAE — ORA ∙ PRO ∙ NOBIS ∙ 1916.  Over the entire field a large cross, in form like that of an order, upon which the Hungarian arms with the holy Crown of St Stephen.  Lower left [sic]: ESSŐ E.Dm. 58, cast double-sided round medal.  Kriegsmetall, 1916.  Collection Procopius.

Cf: Schulman.  1919. La Guerre Européenne, Catalogue LXXIII, p. 78: 767.

Cf: Frankenhuis, M.  1919(?).  Catalogue of Medals - Medalets and Plaques relative to the World War 1914 - 1919, p. 55: 399 (described as "Patron" of Hungary).
Cf: Huszár, Lajos, and Béla Procopius. 1932. Medaillen- und Plakettenkunst in Ungarn, p. 199: no. 1920 (Kriegsmetall example).

Listed as one of the earliest of Esseö's designs by H/P, it bears the Hungarian form of her signature with the family name preceding her first initial, the Hungarian ő rather than the German ö used later.  Apparently made before her adoption of the distinctive monogram, encircled ƎE, found on most of her oeuvre.

Kriegsmetall (war-metal) was a general term for non-standard alloys used for casting in lieu of restricted bronze or, perhaps in some instances iron, although the latter was frequently used for wartime medals. 
« Last Edit: June 20, 2020, 03:22:45 AM by Rabenauge »