Author Topic: By virtue of superior force  (Read 9898 times)

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  • Elisabeth (Erzsébet) von Esseö (Esső).  1917.  ●VIRTUTE — ●HOSTEM — SUPERO● (by virtue of superior force).  Cast iron, lightly blackened, 65.6 mm, 57.82 g.  Vorzüglich (extra-fine), some minor corrosion spots, cleaned and stabilized.  Exceptionally rare.

    Obverse: within a pearled double border, a naked, en face Hungarian helmeted warrior, head in profile to left, holds short sword or wide-bladed dagger point downward in his right hand; at left, Hungarian state arms, to right, Crown of St Stephen; title legend around edge inside inner pearled border, divided by images;  artist's monogram  encircled ƎE at lower right center. 

    Reverse: on ground-line crouching lion to right turns back snarling toward a second lion attacking from right and biting his haunch; legend ∙ANNO∙DOMINI∙MCMCCCCXVI∙ (year of our Lord 1917) around upper edge; artist's signature ∙Essoe E∙scvlt∙ (sculptor) in exergue.

    Cf: Schulman, La Guerre Européenne, Catalogue LXXIII 1919, p. 78, 768.
    Cf: Huszár, Lajos, and Béla Procopius. 1932. Medaillen- und Plakettenkunst in Ungarn, p. 199: 1922; pl. XXIX.
By virtue of superior force
« on: December 02, 2019, 10:49:50 AM »

Elisabeth (Erzsébet) von Esseö (Esső).  1917.  ●VIRTUTE — ●HOSTEM — SUPERO● (by virtue of superior force).  Cast iron, lightly blackened, 65.6 mm, 57.82 g.  Vorzüglich (extra-fine), some minor corrosion spots, cleaned and stabilized.  Exceptionally rare.

Obverse: within a pearled double border, a naked, en face Hungarian helmeted warrior, head in profile to left, holds short sword or wide-bladed dagger point downward in his right hand; at left, Hungarian state arms, to right, Crown of St Stephen; title legend around edge inside inner pearled border, divided by images;  artist's monogram  encircled ƎE at lower right center. 

Reverse: on ground-line crouching lion to right turns back snarling toward a second lion attacking from right and biting his haunch; legend ∙ANNO∙DOMINI∙MCMCCCCXVI∙ (year of our Lord 1917) around upper edge; artist's signature ∙Essoe E∙scvlt∙ (sculptor) in exergue.

Cf: Schulman, La Guerre Européenne, Catalogue LXXIII 1919, p. 78, 768.
Cf: Huszár, Lajos, and Béla Procopius. 1932. Medaillen- und Plakettenkunst in Ungarn, p. 199: 1922; pl. XXIX.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 02:46:50 AM by Rabenauge »