Author Topic: Plaque identified!  (Read 20922 times)

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  • I bought this plaque years ago and had no idea what it was. I trawled around and those lovely people at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London have given me an answer. The plaque is by Pierre Roche and part of a series 'Une histoire Metallique de la Guerrre 1914 - 1918', published in Paris 1922. It is number 40 apparently. I see that Dix Noonan Webb have sold some over the years but know nothing else other than that. Does anyone have any more information and images of other ones in the set?

Plaque identified!
« on: January 07, 2014, 02:32:50 PM »
I bought this plaque years ago and had no idea what it was. I trawled around and those lovely people at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London have given me an answer. The plaque is by Pierre Roche and part of a series 'Une histoire Metallique de la Guerrre 1914 - 1918', published in Paris 1922. It is number 40 apparently. I see that Dix Noonan Webb have sold some over the years but know nothing else other than that. Does anyone have any more information and images of other ones in the set?

« Last Edit: January 08, 2014, 02:17:58 PM by Haarmann »