Artur Immanuel Loewental (Arthur Löwental) (1915)
ZIEL∙ERKANNT —— KRAFT∙GESPANNT (goal perceived - strength tensed [as in a drawn bow]). Cast iron, lightly blackened, 73.4 mm, 163.04 g. Edge-punch (DS 102) not present. Vorzüglich (extremely fine).
Obverse: Full-field profile portrait bust in uniform to left; subject's engraved script signature A. von Tirpitz along right edge; artist's signature ALŒWENTAL F[EC] under shoulder-cut of bust.
Reverse: Full-field naked archer, back to viewer, bow at full draw, aims arrow to left; title legend along left and right edges, respectively; artist's signature ALŒWENTAL F. along lower edge between archer's feet.
Cf: Schulman. 1918. La Guerre Européenne, Catalogue LXX, p. 27: no. 339 ("Belle médaille").
Cf: Frankenhuis, M. 1919(?). Catalogue of Medals - Medalets and Plaques Relative to the World War 1914 - 1919, p. 133: 1057 ("aim taken, strain every nerve").
Cf: Steguweit, W. 1998. Das Münzkabinett und die Förderung der Medaillenkunst: Künstlerbriefe 1914-1918 Medaillenedition (Das Kabinett 5), p. 116: 128; pl. 37 (example without edge-punch DS 102).
Cf: Turner, John T. 2014. Artur Immanuel Loewental 1879 - 1964: a brief introduction to his life and work, together with a selected list of his sculpted works, p. 63: LOE058.
According to a citation in Steguweit (p. 116), Tirpitz himself chose the slogan on the reverse.
Turner (p. 47) dates this medal 1915, apparently based on information given by Loewental along with his presentation of a set of medals - including an example of this one - to the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, in 1960.
One of Loewental's most aesthetically pleasing war medals, designed in simplified and cleaner style than his large-format medallic portraits of the first year of the war.