Author Topic: Hi, from Rabenauge  (Read 7393 times)

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  • I began acquiring medals in 2015.   My collection now numbers between 200 and 300 pieces and embraces largely medals from the Kaiserreich (German Empire), Austria-Hungary, and the short-lived, ill-fated Weimar Republic, with the majority produced during the years of turbulence of the First World War and the resultant time of revolutions, suppressions, and civil unrest.  Many of these medals could by their design be classified as Secessionist.  Though my initial attraction to medals was aesthetic, I have a lifelong interest in art- and cultural history, so quickly began researching and cataloging my acquisitions from an art-historical perspective as well.  I have a basic reading knowledge of German, and have spent considerable time and some money to assemble a pertinent reference library.  I plan initially to post some bibliographic references and notes that may assist fellow collectors in researching their medals as well.
Hi, from Rabenauge
« on: November 07, 2019, 03:01:53 AM »
I began acquiring medals in 2015.   My collection now numbers between 200 and 300 pieces and embraces largely medals from the Kaiserreich (German Empire), Austria-Hungary, and the short-lived, ill-fated Weimar Republic, with the majority produced during the years of turbulence of the First World War and the resultant time of revolutions, suppressions, and civil unrest.  Many of these medals could by their design be classified as Secessionist.  Though my initial attraction to medals was aesthetic, I have a lifelong interest in art- and cultural history, so quickly began researching and cataloging my acquisitions from an art-historical perspective as well.  I have a basic reading knowledge of German, and have spent considerable time and some money to assemble a pertinent reference library.  I plan initially to post some bibliographic references and notes that may assist fellow collectors in researching their medals as well.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2019, 03:38:37 AM by Rabenauge »
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  • Hey Rabenauge!

    I see that you have jumped right in with adding different artist posts and examples of their work.  A warm welcome  to you as it appears you are a serious collector and you are also willing to share your knowledge with the rest of the forum and its visitors.

    Carry on !     :)  HSG 
Re: Hi, from Rabenauge
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2019, 09:56:41 PM »
Hey Rabenauge!

I see that you have jumped right in with adding different artist posts and examples of their work.  A warm welcome  to you as it appears you are a serious collector and you are also willing to share your knowledge with the rest of the forum and its visitors.

Carry on !     :)  HSG