Author Topic: Hello from Greg Burns  (Read 15042 times)

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  • Greetings forum readers!

    I'm Greg Burns, a collector in Southern California, editor of "The California Numismatist" (a joint publication of CSNA and NASC; Web site at, and author of "Commemoration of Death: the medals of the Lusitania murders" (a book about Goetz' Lusitania medal and related pieces, preview and sales available at I'm a fan of cast WWI numismatic pieces (still a beginner though) and hope to blend the occasional visit to this forum in with all the other hobbies I enjoy. Seems like an excellent meeting place for like-minded folks, and am looking forward to adding to my understanding of these beautiful and evocative pieces...

Hello from Greg Burns
« on: April 23, 2013, 05:57:45 PM »
Greetings forum readers!

I'm Greg Burns, a collector in Southern California, editor of "The California Numismatist" (a joint publication of CSNA and NASC; Web site at, and author of "Commemoration of Death: the medals of the Lusitania murders" (a book about Goetz' Lusitania medal and related pieces, preview and sales available at I'm a fan of cast WWI numismatic pieces (still a beginner though) and hope to blend the occasional visit to this forum in with all the other hobbies I enjoy. Seems like an excellent meeting place for like-minded folks, and am looking forward to adding to my understanding of these beautiful and evocative pieces...

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  • Hello Greg!!  Great to see you here!  Now we have two published members in our ranks, and a wonderful book you put out too!  We look forward to you participation.  We're always open to provide you a space to use as an addendum area for new information brought forth since your book came out.  Just give me a yell and we'll get it set up for you.

    Again,  Welcome!!

Re: Hello from Greg Burns
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 11:34:17 PM »
Hello Greg!!  Great to see you here!  Now we have two published members in our ranks, and a wonderful book you put out too!  We look forward to you participation.  We're always open to provide you a space to use as an addendum area for new information brought forth since your book came out.  Just give me a yell and we'll get it set up for you.

Again,  Welcome!!
