(Thought I'd follow the same style of subject as the other posts!)

Cast iron medal by August Gaul, 1915.
This medal was a reward for donating at least 25 marks to the Red Cross in 1915. The obverse shows the heads of the Austrian double-headed eagle atop the head of the German heraldic eagle below a heading of "1914-1915". To the right of the German eagle is "DEUTSCHLAND" ("Germany") and to the left is "UND OESTERREICH UNGARN" ("and Austria-Hungary"), the two central powers.
On the reverse are two naked heroines back-to-back defending themselves and each other with swords, a "mythological" allegory for teamwork. The quote by Goethe "Zusammen haltet euren wert - und euch ist niemand gleich" is
roughly translated as "Together you are stronger than others."
Cast iron, 57 mm.
[Attributions: Klose 7.4]