Author Topic: AMERIKA IM WELTKRIEG  (Read 24556 times)

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  • America’s Contribution to the War

    1917 Cast Iron uniface Medllion. 99mm, Ernsting 161; Frankenhuis 1320

    A ‘Trojan’ sea-monster stealthily floats left, past docked passenger liners and the Manhattan skyline under the cover of night.  Below, 1914-1917

    No one was fooled by America’s claims of neutrality during most of the war, certainly not Gies.  Here Gies laughs at American attempts to hide this thinly veiled fact.  The rabbit-like figurehead of the vessel, wearing an Uncle Sam top hat, vomits coins meant for allies from it over-stuffed gullet, a small group of men below.  The dorsal ‘shell’ of the monster is made up of many carefully loaded artillery guns and cannons. Even more bags of money are piled upon the stern.  America hopes no one will notice. 

    One of Gies’ best.

    Bronze examples can be found in the following museums:
    Munich, Staatliche Münzsammlung (National Coin Collection).
    Paris, Musée d’Historie Contemporaine (Museum of Contemporary History).
    Stuttgart, Württembergisches Landesmuseum (Württemberg Regional Museum).
    Vienna, Kunsthistoriches Museum (Art History Museum).
    Private Collections - 2

    Iron examples, WVZ-161a
    London, British Museum, Department of Coins and Medals.
    New York, American Numismatic Society.
    Vienna, Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (Museum of Military History.
    Private collections - Ernsting doesn't list any but I am aware of at least 5.
« on: November 17, 2013, 01:04:33 AM »
America’s Contribution to the War

1917 Cast Iron uniface Medllion. 99mm, Ernsting 161; Frankenhuis 1320

A ‘Trojan’ sea-monster stealthily floats left, past docked passenger liners and the Manhattan skyline under the cover of night.  Below, 1914-1917

No one was fooled by America’s claims of neutrality during most of the war, certainly not Gies.  Here Gies laughs at American attempts to hide this thinly veiled fact.  The rabbit-like figurehead of the vessel, wearing an Uncle Sam top hat, vomits coins meant for allies from it over-stuffed gullet, a small group of men below.  The dorsal ‘shell’ of the monster is made up of many carefully loaded artillery guns and cannons. Even more bags of money are piled upon the stern.  America hopes no one will notice. 

One of Gies’ best.

Bronze examples can be found in the following museums:
Munich, Staatliche Münzsammlung (National Coin Collection).
Paris, Musée d’Historie Contemporaine (Museum of Contemporary History).
Stuttgart, Württembergisches Landesmuseum (Württemberg Regional Museum).
Vienna, Kunsthistoriches Museum (Art History Museum).
Private Collections - 2

Iron examples, WVZ-161a
London, British Museum, Department of Coins and Medals.
New York, American Numismatic Society.
Vienna, Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (Museum of Military History.
Private collections - Ernsting doesn't list any but I am aware of at least 5.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 11:22:14 PM by Haarmann »
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  • This to my mind is Gies showing his genius, it has it all.  Symbolism everywhere and his trade mark of turning very serious subjects into an almost a cartoon version of events.

    My only question is why the rabbit, it's way to early for Bugs Bunny?

    Yet another Gies I would love to own.
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2013, 02:10:46 AM »
This to my mind is Gies showing his genius, it has it all.  Symbolism everywhere and his trade mark of turning very serious subjects into an almost a cartoon version of events.

My only question is why the rabbit, it's way to early for Bugs Bunny?

Yet another Gies I would love to own.
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  • I'm not certain it's a rabbit, perhaps just his fantasy that ended up looking like a rabbit to me.  Frankenhuis and Ernsting use terms such as sea monster but it doesn't appear to have been designed to carry that connotation.  It is more whimsical than a poodle wearing a spiked collar.  ;D
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 09:56:58 PM »
I'm not certain it's a rabbit, perhaps just his fantasy that ended up looking like a rabbit to me.  Frankenhuis and Ernsting use terms such as sea monster but it doesn't appear to have been designed to carry that connotation.  It is more whimsical than a poodle wearing a spiked collar.  ;D