Author Topic: General Beseler  (Read 21962 times)

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  • (Hugo Bendorff).  (1915). 

    GENERAL V  BESELER  ———  NOWOGEORGIEWSK.  Cast bronze, dark brown patina, 103 mm, 382.3 g.  Edge-punch DS 60 —— 22 (indicating Deutsche Schaumünze [number] 60, [cast number] 22).  Vorzüglich- (extremely fine-), small edge nicks.

    Obverse: Profile portrait in military collar to right; title legend left and right edge, respectively. 

    Reverse: On ground-line naked classical god or titan striding to left with upraised hands brandishing fiery thunderbolts.

    Cf: Schulman.  1917. La Guerre Européenne, Catalogue LXVII, p. 57: 588.

    Cf: Frankenhuis, M.  1919 (?).  Catalogue of Medals - Medalets and Plaques Relative to the World War 1914 - 1919, p. 128: 1003.Cf:

    Steguweit, W.  1998.  Das Münzkabinett und die Förderung der Medaillenkunst: Künstlerbriefe 1914-1918 Medaillenedition (Das Kabinett 5), p. 97: 2; p. 125 (pl. 1).

    Cf: Klose, Dietrich O. A.  2016.  Europas Verderben 1914 1918: Deutsche und österreichische Medaillen auf den Ersten Weltkrieg, p. 49: 3.11.

    An iconic, un-ornamented, but nevertheless monumentally impressive medallion.  Though it is neither dated nor signed, the artist and year are well documented.

    In August 1915, Armeegruppe Beseler, under the command of General der Infanterie Hans Hartwig von Beseler (1850 - 1921), besieged and overpowered the fortress of Nowogeorgiewsk (Novogeorgievsk), thus effectively ending Russian hegemony in Poland (Klose, p. 49).  Following this victory, Beseler was made Governor-general of German-occupied Poland and served in that capacity until the end of the war.
General Beseler
« on: January 18, 2020, 03:04:56 PM »

(Hugo Bendorff).  (1915). 

GENERAL V  BESELER  ———  NOWOGEORGIEWSK.  Cast bronze, dark brown patina, 103 mm, 382.3 g.  Edge-punch DS 60 —— 22 (indicating Deutsche Schaumünze [number] 60, [cast number] 22).  Vorzüglich- (extremely fine-), small edge nicks.

Obverse: Profile portrait in military collar to right; title legend left and right edge, respectively. 

Reverse: On ground-line naked classical god or titan striding to left with upraised hands brandishing fiery thunderbolts.

Cf: Schulman.  1917. La Guerre Européenne, Catalogue LXVII, p. 57: 588.

Cf: Frankenhuis, M.  1919 (?).  Catalogue of Medals - Medalets and Plaques Relative to the World War 1914 - 1919, p. 128: 1003.Cf:

Steguweit, W.  1998.  Das Münzkabinett und die Förderung der Medaillenkunst: Künstlerbriefe 1914-1918 Medaillenedition (Das Kabinett 5), p. 97: 2; p. 125 (pl. 1).

Cf: Klose, Dietrich O. A.  2016.  Europas Verderben 1914 1918: Deutsche und österreichische Medaillen auf den Ersten Weltkrieg, p. 49: 3.11.

An iconic, un-ornamented, but nevertheless monumentally impressive medallion.  Though it is neither dated nor signed, the artist and year are well documented.

In August 1915, Armeegruppe Beseler, under the command of General der Infanterie Hans Hartwig von Beseler (1850 - 1921), besieged and overpowered the fortress of Nowogeorgiewsk (Novogeorgievsk), thus effectively ending Russian hegemony in Poland (Klose, p. 49).  Following this victory, Beseler was made Governor-general of German-occupied Poland and served in that capacity until the end of the war.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2020, 10:35:55 AM by Haarmann »