Author Topic: Death as bagpiper  (Read 7935 times)

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  • Arnold (Aharon) Zadikow.  1915. 

    "Der Tod als Dudelsackspieler" (Death as a Bagpiper).  Single-sided, cast yellow bronze,  approx. 69.0 mm (not precisely round); 69.71 g.  Gussfrisch (as cast), fine patina.  Exceptionally rare.

    Death personified as animated, skeletonized cadaver, dressed as Scottish regimental bagpiper in Glengarry cap and kilt, playing bagpipes, striding to left, towering over two opposing lines of cavalry; three aeroplanes upper left; year date 1915 in exergue with artist's monograms, encircled A and encircled Z, left and right respectively; raised rim.
    Cf: Bernhart, Max.  1917.  Die Münchener Medaillenkunst der Gegenwart, pl. 64, no. 419.

    Cf: Frankenhuis, M.  1919(?).  Catalogue of Medals - Medalets and Plaques Relative to the World War 1914 - 1919, p. 100: 776.

    Cf: Fearon, D.  2009.  "'Out of the Barbed Wire': a newly discovered medal design by Arnold Zadikow," The Medal, no. 54 (2009), pp. 45 - 47 (iron example illustrated).

    Cf: Klose, Dietrich O. A.  2016.  Europas Verderben 1914 1918: Deutsche und österreichische Medaillen auf den Ersten Weltkrieg,  p 271: 22.17 (bronze example illustrated).

    Cf: British Museum Department of Coins and Medals (example in iron)

    Zadikow designed seven single-sided medals cast in iron and/or bronze in the "Totentanz" series.
Death as bagpiper
« on: December 20, 2019, 03:58:03 AM »

Arnold (Aharon) Zadikow.  1915. 

"Der Tod als Dudelsackspieler" (Death as a Bagpiper).  Single-sided, cast yellow bronze,  approx. 69.0 mm (not precisely round); 69.71 g.  Gussfrisch (as cast), fine patina.  Exceptionally rare.

Death personified as animated, skeletonized cadaver, dressed as Scottish regimental bagpiper in Glengarry cap and kilt, playing bagpipes, striding to left, towering over two opposing lines of cavalry; three aeroplanes upper left; year date 1915 in exergue with artist's monograms, encircled A and encircled Z, left and right respectively; raised rim.
Cf: Bernhart, Max.  1917.  Die Münchener Medaillenkunst der Gegenwart, pl. 64, no. 419.

Cf: Frankenhuis, M.  1919(?).  Catalogue of Medals - Medalets and Plaques Relative to the World War 1914 - 1919, p. 100: 776.

Cf: Fearon, D.  2009.  "'Out of the Barbed Wire': a newly discovered medal design by Arnold Zadikow," The Medal, no. 54 (2009), pp. 45 - 47 (iron example illustrated).

Cf: Klose, Dietrich O. A.  2016.  Europas Verderben 1914 1918: Deutsche und österreichische Medaillen auf den Ersten Weltkrieg,  p 271: 22.17 (bronze example illustrated).

Cf: British Museum Department of Coins and Medals (example in iron)

Zadikow designed seven single-sided medals cast in iron and/or bronze in the "Totentanz" series.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 08:57:11 PM by Haarmann »