Author Topic: D'Annunzio 1915  (Read 6959 times)

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  • Hans Lindl.  1915. 

    D'ANNUNZIO  BEGEISTERT —— ITALIEN  ZUM  KRIEG (D'Annunzio inspires Italy to war).  Cast bronze, 73.0 mm, 112 g.  Gussfrisch (as cast).  Rare in bronze (also issued in iron).

    Obverse: D'Annunzio to right, in top hat and tails, standing in clouds, brandishing sword in his right hand, reads  proclamation held in his left to cheering crowd below; legend upper edge, broken by speaker's hat; in exergue MAI 1915 (May 1915). 

    Reverse: Death, personified as skeleton, to right, sharpens sword on pedal-grindstone; legend VORBEREITUNG ZUM EINTRITT  ——  IN - - DEN  WELTKRIEG ∾ (preparation for entrance into the world war) separated by Death's head and sword; artist's initials H —— L in exergue.

    Cf: Schulman.  1918.  La Guerre Européenne, Catalogue LXX, p. 28: no. 344 ( iron example).

    Cf: Frankenhuis, M.  (1919?)  Catalogue of Medals - Medalets and Plaques Relative to the World War 1914 - 1919, p. 185, no. 1508.

    In May 1915, the renowned Italian poet Gabrielle D'Annunzio returned to Italy after living for five years in France and began urging his countrymen to join the Allied cause.  He made a series of speeches culminating with a powerful oration given 17 May in Rome, in which, while brandishing the sword of Nino Bixio, Garibaldi's most aggressive lieutenant, he exhorted listeners to sweep away the old order and to wage pitiless war.  His words engendered a wave of enthusiasm resulting in a riot in which hundreds were arrested.  One week later Prime Minister Salandra took Italy into the World War (Hughes-Hallett, L. Gabrielle D'Annunzio: Poet, Seducer, and Preacher of War, 2013, pp. 29-30).
D'Annunzio 1915
« on: December 20, 2019, 03:22:25 AM »

Hans Lindl.  1915. 

D'ANNUNZIO  BEGEISTERT —— ITALIEN  ZUM  KRIEG (D'Annunzio inspires Italy to war).  Cast bronze, 73.0 mm, 112 g.  Gussfrisch (as cast).  Rare in bronze (also issued in iron).

Obverse: D'Annunzio to right, in top hat and tails, standing in clouds, brandishing sword in his right hand, reads  proclamation held in his left to cheering crowd below; legend upper edge, broken by speaker's hat; in exergue MAI 1915 (May 1915). 

Reverse: Death, personified as skeleton, to right, sharpens sword on pedal-grindstone; legend VORBEREITUNG ZUM EINTRITT  ——  IN - - DEN  WELTKRIEG ∾ (preparation for entrance into the world war) separated by Death's head and sword; artist's initials H —— L in exergue.

Cf: Schulman.  1918.  La Guerre Européenne, Catalogue LXX, p. 28: no. 344 ( iron example).

Cf: Frankenhuis, M.  (1919?)  Catalogue of Medals - Medalets and Plaques Relative to the World War 1914 - 1919, p. 185, no. 1508.

In May 1915, the renowned Italian poet Gabrielle D'Annunzio returned to Italy after living for five years in France and began urging his countrymen to join the Allied cause.  He made a series of speeches culminating with a powerful oration given 17 May in Rome, in which, while brandishing the sword of Nino Bixio, Garibaldi's most aggressive lieutenant, he exhorted listeners to sweep away the old order and to wage pitiless war.  His words engendered a wave of enthusiasm resulting in a riot in which hundreds were arrested.  One week later Prime Minister Salandra took Italy into the World War (Hughes-Hallett, L. Gabrielle D'Annunzio: Poet, Seducer, and Preacher of War, 2013, pp. 29-30).
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 09:05:51 PM by Haarmann »