General Discussions > Let's Talk Collections

Let's hear how you came upon your interests in Secessionist medals.

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Hey Macarenses, What is the possibility that you could scan the Gies article from the MEDAL so that it could be posted to our reading room?  There is so little out there in English that we should try and glean every bit that we can.  If you can scan then let me know and I will help with the posting so that everyone can grab a copy or read on-line from here.

Not so sure the current  people at the journal would like that with copyright an all...

Well that's unfortunate then.  As a standing member of FIDEM I have requested, more than once, information that was published in the "MEDAL" for my research.  They never respond.  FIDEM is much like the ANS, the only time you hear from them are when dues are up or if they want you to donate.  Neither are very user-friendly unless, I guess, you fit within their 'circle' of influence.

If you can, please give me the actual issue number and article title.  I will once again write to them, Attwood this time, for information and see if i can get a response.  Perhaps I should switch my membership from FIDEM to BAMs if it would do any good that is.


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